weaver.lib package


weaver.lib.engine module

class weaver.lib.engine.Engine

Bases: object

A generic database system. Specific database platforms will inherit from this class.


Create a new database based on settings supplied in Database object engine.db.


Return SQL statement to create a database.


Get db cursor.


Return name of the database.

datatypes = []
db = None
debug = False
drop_statement(objecttype, objectname)

Return drop table or database SQL statement.

execute(statement, commit=True)

Execute given statement.

executemany(statement, values, commit=True)

Execute given statement with multiple values.

exists(database, table_name)

Check to see if the given table exists.


Close the database connection.


This method should be overloaded by specific implementations of Engine.


Get db cursor.


Manually get user input for connection information when script is run from terminal.

instructions = 'Enter your database connection information:'
name = ''
pkformat = '%s PRIMARY KEY %s '
required_opts = []
script = None
table = None
table_exists(dbname, tablename)

This can be overridden to return True if a table exists. It returns False by default.

table_name(name=None, dbname=None)

Return full tablename.

to_csv(sort=True, path='/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/weaver/checkouts/latest/docs', table_name=None)
use_cache = True
warnings = []

Return true if a file exists and its size is greater than 0.


Extract and returns the filename from the url.


Return generator from a source tuple.

Source tuples are of the form (callable, args) where callable(*args) returns either a generator or another source tuple. This allows indefinite regeneration of data sources.

weaver.lib.engine.reporthook(count, block_size, total_size)

Generate the progress bar.

Uses file size to calculate the percentage of file size downloaded. If the total_size of the file being downloaded is not in the header, provide progress as size of bytes downloaded in either KB, MB and GB.

weaver.lib.engine.skip_rows(rows, source)

Skip over the header lines by reading them before processing.

weaver.lib.get_opts module

weaver.lib.models module

Data Retriever Data Model

This module contains basic class definitions for the Retriever platform.

weaver.lib.tools module

weaver.lib.tools.open_csvw(csv_file, encode=True)

Open a csv writer forcing the use of Linux line endings on Windows.

Also sets dialect to ‘excel’ and escape characters to ‘’

weaver.lib.tools.open_fr(file_name, encoding='ISO-8859-1', encode=True)

Open file for reading respecting Python version and OS differences.

Sets newline to Linux line endings on Windows and Python 3 When encode=False does not set encoding on nix and Python 3 to keep as bytes

weaver.lib.tools.open_fw(file_name, encoding='ISO-8859-1', encode=True)

Open file for writing respecting Python version and OS differences.

Sets newline to Linux line endings on Python 3 When encode=False does not set encoding on nix and Python 3 to keep as bytes

weaver.lib.tools.to_str(object, object_encoding=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)

weaver.lib.warning module

class weaver.lib.warning.Warning(location, warning)

Bases: object

Module contents


Check for updates to datasets.

This updates the HOME_DIR scripts directory with the latest script versions

weaver.lib.join_postgres(dataset, user='postgres', password='', host='localhost', port=5432, database='postgres', database_name=None, table_name=None, compile=False, debug=False, quiet=False, use_cache=True)

Install scripts in postgres.

weaver.lib.join_sqlite(dataset, file=None, table_name=None, compile=False, debug=False, quiet=False, use_cache=True)

Install scripts in sqlite.

weaver.lib.datasets(keywords=None, licenses=None)

Return list of all available datasets.


Return list of all available dataset names.


Load scripts from scripts directory and return list of modules.

weaver.lib.reset_weaver(scope='scripts', ask_permission=True)

Remove stored information on scripts, data, and connections.